FCS PTFA is dedicated to acknowledging that Jesus Christ is our example and guide, enabling us to accomplish our goals. Our mission is to come alongside Parents, Teachers, students and the staff to lift up needs in prayer and provide needed assistance to the school through the wisdom and strength that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ, to promote partnership that creates a positive and safe learning environment for our children to grow. “So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” - Ephesians 4:11-13
- Support various fundraising activities throughout the year
- Host periodic meetings to support parents and inform them about PTFA events and school activities
- Meet weekly for prayer and encouragement
Every year a $15.00 due per family is requested to offset the cost of various materials and activities we provide.
Goals, Vision, and Purpose:
The P.T.F.A. exists to enhance the classrooms and assist the teaching staff as much as possible for the benefit of the children. We raise funds to purchase equipment, resource material and the latest in technology so that our children have what they need to be successful. We also desire to show the staff how much we value their investment in the lives of our children. Each year we provide the teachers with funds to purchase educational materials. We also sponsor a special appreciation luncheon for the teachers each school year.
We would like to help parents become more involved with the school family and all that goes on at Flushing Christian School. By participating in the activities, we as parents can enhance the furthering of our child’s education. The PTFA sponsors various events to encourage fellowship and unity in the Flushing Christian School family. PTFA meetings are also held during the year where there is a guest speaker who provides useful information for parents.
We encourage all parents to support the Flushing Christian School PTFA Board in all of its activities and to pray frequently for God’s blessing on our school.