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Pray with us!

“The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

We are convinced that God intends to use Flushing Christian School to make a tremendous impact on the world through the graduates of Flushing Christian School. However, He often chooses to wait until His people pray. Then in response to their prayers, He works.

Will you pray with us for God to continue working through our ministry?

Please pray for our students to have…
  • True faith
  • Strong Christlike character
  • Inner integrity
  • Protection from the evil one
  • Confidence in their identity and calling as sons and daughters of God

See prayer ideas from the spring 2022 ptfa here.

Please pray for our teachers to have…
  • Wisdom to recognize what each child needs and skill to meet that need within the classroom
  • Grace from God to full their calling
  • Patience to instruct children
  • Faith to see how God intends to use each child in the future
  • Love to see each child as God sees him or her
Please pray for our school in its…
  • Leadership: We must have godly leaders full of the Spirit and wisdom.
  • Facilities: We must have the space and the resources to serve our students effectively.
  • Finances: We must maintain the balance between compensating our staff and maintaining an affordable tuition rate for every family.

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