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Posts Tagged "parenting"

Our Greatest Joy

July 20, 2023
By Chantal Nelson

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
- 3 John 4

A young girl leans out of her stroller, straining for the shiny toy necklace in the store window. It may be plastic, and it may be relatively cheap, but to her it is valuable. Something that shiny must be valuable. We smile at the misguided earnestness of a sweet child. She is simple and naïve, though eager. But we may not be as amused if an adult acted the same way. Imagine the scene if the girl’s mother pays top dollar for the plastic necklace but completely overlooks the diamond pendant couched on a dark pillow under the counter. This would be ironic and ultimately tragic.

In a sense, our society has learned to value the wrong things, pursuing them at the expense of truth. We often seek entertainment over meaning, comfort over growth, experience over accomplishment, trifles over truth. And our children grow up learning to prioritize those same things. In a time when truth is rare, it becomes even more valuable. Truth is the one indispensable commodity, the key to seeing and living in light of reality. This way of living brings stability, even joy. So John expresses what every parent and teacher hope to say: that his children continue to walk in truth.

This, then, is the goal of a distinctly Christian education. We are convinced that the God of heaven has created us and designed us with true personhood as male and female. He has defined moral reality, ordaining truths and commands that will best equip us to live and enjoy His gift of life. And in His greatest of acts, He has sent His Son Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth, to model a truly godly life and to save His people from their sins. This grand understanding of reality, of truth, defines our mission as a Christian school.

Truth forms the foundation to the education that we provide at Flushing Christian School. More than informing children’s minds, we are forming their hearts and instincts to know, recognize, and love truth. In short, we long for them to value and walk in truth.

This happens in our opening assembly, when we recite the pledges, a core Scriptural verse, and rehearse our honor code. Truth appears in the Bible classes, both the instructional and the devotional aspects of the period. Truth forms the lesson plans for the day, orienting every subject to adhere to the realities revealed in Scripture. Truth underlies the experiences and exercises of our electives. Truth is present when the co-valedictorian of the Class of 2022 reminds his peers of the truths they have learned, or when his fellow co-valedictorian prays over her classmates.

Because we invest in truth, we are certain of a joyful outcome.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

How should we pray for our children?

April 27, 2023

Our children face an unprecedented set of challenges. Consider these overwhelming obstacles:

  • lack of societal morals
  • mental/emotional pressures
  • international instability
  • the stress of urban living

How should we pray for our children? This vital question prompted our PTFA to develop a 21-week series of prayer emphases. We pray for the Lord to give our children salvation, protection, wisdom, and purity. They must have godly friends, a love for God and others, a sense of calling, strong faith, and many more. You can see each week’s theme below or follow our weekly social media updates. Let’s pray for our children!

21 Weeks of Prayer for the Children


Life Unplugged

February 18, 2023

Happy week off! How will you celebrate your winter break? Let us suggest one hope-giving idea.

Help your child unplug and enjoy many other activities during their break. From baking, and arts & craft fun, to the overdue cleaning out of a closet, and visiting with extended family, you can enjoy lifelong memories.

The extra time off may also mean extra screen time for our students, which can be harmful. Here are ways you can help your child use their time wisely.

Internet Safety: A Parent's Guide

  • Step 1. Keep the computer in a public place
  • Step 2. Review rules of computer use
  • Step 3. Do not tolerate cyber-bullying
  • Step 4. Know who your child talks to online
  • Step 5. Don't give out personal information

Enjoy being present with your child, for it is one of God's most precious gifts to us as parents.

Want to learn more?

Explore this podcast episode with Andy Crouch, author of The Tech-wise Family:

Make Real Life Compelling, 1000 Hours Podcast

Image Credit: Kelly Sikkema |

Resources for Parents

December 16, 2022

Looking for resources to help you as your raise your child? Here's a great start!

Print Resources for Adults:

Print Resources for Young People:

Digital Resources for Raising Children:

Digital tools:

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