Eagle's View Blog
New Year, Fresh Goals

Press On! As a new year begins, I cannot help but become reflective over the past year’s triumphs and losses, joys and hurts, while I hopefully face another year. I don’t know about you but I tend to set many hopeful goals for each new year, seeking to improve whatever I found lacking the year before. There is nothing wrong with goal-setting; actually, setting goals is motivating.
However, we should never lose sight of the ultimate goal. I was recently reminded of a song we used to sing at my church years ago. It reminds us to keep our focus on our collective true goal of meeting our Savior face to face one day. Whether you are hopefully starting a new year, trudging through the middle of a year, or barely surviving the end of one, it’s important to remember that God is the One who started a good work in you and is the One working through you. Set goals, remembering that God brings the increase. Press on, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient. Always look forward to the day when you will see your Savior face to face – knowing Him is our glory, our all.